
The Delta Blues Museum Education and Arts Program held in conjunction with the festival is also a free event funded by the Coahoma County Tourism Commission. It takes place inside the Delta Blues Museum:

Thursday, August 9, 2001 – Theme – Women in Blues
12 noon – Nancy Kossman- “Victoria Spivey”
1 p.m. – Patty Johnson – “Women in Business”
2 p.m. – Phoenix Savage – “Sexuality & Women in Blues”
3 p.m. – Lane Wilkins – “Female Voices”
4 p.m. – Sister Mary Bertoli – “Demonstrating Tissue Paper Art”

Friday, August 10, 2001 – Theme – Women in Blues
12 noon – Eden Brent performing on keyboard
1 p.m. – Steve Cheeseborough – “Women in Blues”
2 p.m. – Charles “Wsir” Johnson – African Dance Movements
3 p.m. – Jim O’Neal – “Women in Recording”
4 p.m. – Delta Blues Museum Students performing