Melvita Tillis Presley, chairman of Clarksdale’s Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival (center) and booking chairman Maie Smith (left) welcome Simona Ottolenghi of Rome, Italy, to the Sunflower’s legendary ‘Grits, Greens, and Barbecue’ opening supper Thursday night. Ottolenghi, is directing Viaggi Esperienza Tibi World’s group of 11 photographers to Clarksdale and the Delta who are filming blues and gospel sites Wednesday through Monday for global websites.

Entertaining at Thursday night’s Sunflower River Blues Festival’s acoustic concert beneath a VIP Tent in Clarksdale is guitarist Richard ‘Daddy Rich’ Crisman. Other musicians on the program were Gramm Phillips and Marshall Drew. The 31st annual Sunflower Blues Festival continues Friday and Saturday, and concludes with a gospel festival Sunday. All events are free and open to the public. For additional information, visit www.sunflowerfest.org